111 EGG Recipes
111 EGG Recipes
111 EGG Recipes
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111 EGG Recipes

A Great eBook featuring 111 Egg Recipes and a host of Recommended Recipe Links – some of the recipes include Omelet a la Washington, Eggs Mirabeau, a la Duchesse, Jardiniere, O’Brien, Lafayette, au Gratin, a l’Aurore and many more!

Any single food containing all the elements necessary to supply the requirements of the body is called a complete or typical food – eggs are frequently so called. Eggs contain from 72 to 84 per cent. of water, about 12 to 14 per cent. of albuminoids. The yolk is quite rich in fat; the white deficient. They also contain mineral matter and extractives. Lets learn the 111 delightful egg recipes!

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